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Whisky Films

There are a vast array of Whisky Films on YouTube and we aim show you the best of them here. We will undoubtedly miss some so please DM us on Instagram (please follow us as well!) here, with the ones you think should be on the list! We don’t really want Best of Films, instead ones that offer some educational benefit for the viewer or insight into a whisky distillery. We all love to learn more about whisky and doing this through films can be an ideal way. You may think it is easy to make a whisky film but in fact it can be quite complex, especially if you wish to do it well. Not only has the content got to be interesting but the lighting, sound, editing etc all need to be of excellent quality. The films you see here may not earn their makers any money at all, so it you like them please give them a like and even subscribe if you really like them. It would be hugely appreciated by all of them!

This list is going to evolve over time as new films come out. I will always put the latest films we add at the top of the list but also create an archive page for you. We would love to know if you have a favourite film here and what it is. I have created a post on Instagram here for you to comment on. Please do as this will help me curate future films. Grab a drink, a comfy chair and enjoy. You can view the instagram post here

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